General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1057 Chestnut St Abilene, TX 79602




Business Summary
Shane's Chimney Care is Abilene's premier chimney and fireplace service provider. As chimney sweeps in Abilene, TX, we offer solutions for all your hearth needs. Our services include thorough chimney cleaning, soot removal, and flue inspections to ensure safe and efficient operation. We specialize in chimney repairs, addressing issues from draft problems to structural concerns. Our team installs chimney caps, performs fireplace restoration, and resolves venting issues. As licensed masonry contractors, we excel in brick repair and chimney restoration, maintaining the integrity of your chimney system. From routine maintenance to complex repairs, Shane's Chimney Care is committed to serve your home with all fireplace and chimney needs.
Business Keywords
Abilene Chimney Sweep
General Information
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Website Rank
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