General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Address:Coldharbourwood, London Rd, Rake, Liss GU33 7JJ, United Kingdom




Business Summary
Hi I’m Nic, Seeking help through therapy can feel daunting and one of the hardest parts is finding the right person to work with. Here is a little bit about me. I also offer a free initial consultation where we can chat and explore if we are a good fit for each other. I am a fully qualified accredited counsellor offering support in many areas including grief and loss, anxiety, stress, relationship difficulties and unhelpful behaviours and habits that can make life difficult. My counselling approach is pluralistic which means I am qualified in a range of methods including CBT, allowing me to tailor our sessions to the best way of working for you. I am also a qualified hypnotherapist. Suffering my own losses has given me an acute empathy and personal understanding of the pain that grief can bring to our lives. I am also seeing more and more through my work that unresolved grief is often at the root of many emotional issues like anxiety, anger and low mood. I am passionate about helping
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