General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1545 W Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92802




Business Summary
We are a full service bee and wasp removal specialist that thrive on customer satisfaction. We offer live removal as well as alternative solutions for all your unwanted bee needs. Most of our work comes with a 30 days guarantee and a 1 year warranty for removal and repairs. The OC Bee Guy has helped service thousands of homes in Southern California and we are ready to help you! We have a vast network of other bee removal specialists and pest control companies so you do not have to wait long. Call now for a free consultation 714-306-9190
Business Keywords
Pest control service Cockroach extermination Flea & mite extermination Hornet & wasp extermination Bee extermination
General Information
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Website Rank
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