General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1628 W Crosby Rd




Business Summary
LiquidStack is a leading provider of advanced liquid cooling solutions, designed to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of data centers and High Performance Compute (HPC) organizations. Our cutting-edge technology, which includes direct to chip CDUs, single phase immersion cooling, and two phase immersion cooling, supports the most demanding applications such as generative AI, hyperscale computing, and cryptocurrency mining. By offering a range of liquid cooling technologies, LiquidStack enables these applications to scale efficiently and sustainably. Our comprehensive services ensure long-term value and rapid return on investment through consultation, product installation supervision, training, lifecycle maintenance, and equipment services. Find out more about LiquidStack's direct-to-chip cooling technologies, single and two-phase immersion cooling, and full lifecycle services on our website!
Business Keywords
liquid cooling solutions, direct-to-chip cooling, single phase immersion cooling, two phase immersion cooling
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 19


Product & Services

not complete


  • liquid cooling solutions

    liquid cooling solutions

  • direct-to-chip cooling

    direct-to-chip cooling

  • single phase immersion cooling

    single phase immersion cooling

  • two phase immersion cooling

    two phase immersion cooling

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