General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 03059902300
Address:16690 Collins Ave Suite 1101 Sunny Isles Beach FL




Business Summary
Located in the serene coastal city of Sunny Isles Beach FL KEW Legal® proudly offers its legal prowess to individuals and businesses throughout Miami's dynamic landscape. As a distinguished woman owned firm, KEW Legal® brings forth an ethos of professionalism combined with innovative thinking to address complex legal challenges effectively. Our team is adept at providing top tier counsel across various sectors including real estate law where clients often search for a "real estate attorney near me" as well as corporate business law and general counsel services. Furthermore we facilitate seamless international business transactions and ensure strict adherence to compliance governmental regulations. Whether you represent a condominium or homeowners' association seeking knowledgeable advice or require assistance navigating the intricate world of real estate investments and business ventures, KEW Legal® is equipped to deliver strategic solutions that cater to your specific legal concern
Business Keywords
real estate attorney near me, attorney for real estate near me, attorney real estate near me, business attorney near me, attorney business near me
General Information
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