General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 18008330809
Address:206-207, 2nd Floor, Vikram Tower, Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110008




Business Summary
ElectriVa is among the leading names promoting the growth of electronic vehicles with the much-needed charging solution. We have been in the business for years and have constructed EV charging points across different parts of Delhi, India. ElectriVa operates with brands and companies looking for a suitable partner for developing charging outlets for EVs alongside a hassle-free IoT-based platform. Our team specializes in delivering automated systems for improved charging infrastructure. Till now, we have developed over 1000 EV charging points and 8000+ energy points, delivering 15,000+ KW units of energy. Our client base is extensive, and we are emerging as the fastest-growing EV charging point operator.
Business Keywords
General Information
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Website Rank
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