General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8668095989
Address:101 Henry Adams St, Unit 429




Business Summary
Habitat Renovations design better, plan better and build better! Welcome to Habitat Renovation, your stress-free solution for home renovation. Our innovative software and experienced team ensure flawless project execution, efficient communication, and cost savings. From kitchen remodels to whole-house renovations, we offer a range of services with transparent timelines and costs. Contact us to schedule your consultation and bring your dream home to life. At Habitat Renovations, we understand that your home is more than just a place to live – it’s a reflection of your personality and a sanctuary where you can unwind and relax. That’s why we’re committed to helping you create the perfect layout for your home that meets all of your needs and suits your lifestyle. Our expert team of designers will work with you to design a customized layout that maximizes your living space, ensuring that every inch of your home is functional and beautiful. From open-concept living areas to private retrea
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General Information
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Website Rank
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