General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: +61455555530
Address:Melbourne, Victoria 3938




Business Summary
DANIEL & ALEXANDRA The passion for photography started when Dan captured a perfect sunset on Pentax film camera. Alexandra grew up watching her Father develop film in the bathtub. They both found happiness in creativity - With Dan’s creative vision, and Alexandra’s background in HR, their understanding and appreciation of human nature aligned to make them a dream team. As co-creators and wedding photographers, our own love is the backbone of our business. We are passionate about capturing connection and honest moments. We feel privileged to walk into spaces that only the closest of family and friends stand. We scout locations that speak to each couple’s story and style. We work with all parties of your wedding day — from celebrants, MCs and family members. We are there to capture a bride’s transformation, a groom’s nervous laughter. We pay attention to every light-hearted moment and every glimmer of tension in the air. We listen and respond. We are international wedding photographers b
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General Information
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Website Rank
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