General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Address:197 St Georges Terrace Perth, WA 6000




Business Summary
West Coast Laundry is a premier laundry service provider in Perth, offering convenient and free pick-up and delivery options for home laundry service, ironing service, and dry cleaning service. They also cater to commercial clients, including event planning and catering, hotel guests laundry services, and NDIS support. With their team of experienced members, West Coast Laundry is committed to delivering specialized and high-quality laundry services that meet the needs of their customers and clients. They have established themselves as a leading provider in the industry by offering value and exceptional service. Their service guarantee ensures that every customer is treated like family, and all staff members have undergone police checks, are fully insured, and show up in uniform. They understand the importance of building transparent and long-lasting relationships with their clients. West Coast Laundry's business model and market strategy have made them stand out in the industry, adding
Business Keywords
Home Laundry Service Perth WA, Ironing Service Perth WA, Dry Cleaning Service Perth WA, Event Planning & Catering Perth WA, Hotel Guests Laundry Services Perth WA, NDIS Support
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 242


Product & Services

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