General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 209-296-7502
Country: United States
Address:20000 Highway 88, Pine Grove, CA 95665




Business Summary
In today's society, being connected is everything. That's why you need a cable and Internet provider that can offer top-of-the-line services at a low monthly rate, no matter where you live. In Pine Grove, CA,Volcano Telephone Co. has been the area's leading communications provider since 1903. While they began as a telephone company, Volcano Telephone Co. evolved to offer rural service areas the same high-speed Internet, cable television, and phone service you would expect to see in larger cities. Their cable television offerings include both HDTV and high-speed broadband services to ensure you're getting the best quality andmost reliable viewing experience. They also provide fast, reliable Internet services across DSL, cable modems, point-to-point wireless systems, and both basic and long-distance phone services. What separates Volcano Telephone Co. from competing cable and Internet providers is their commitment to their customers. The family-oriented company is comprised of three gene
Business Keywords
Cable & Satellite, Telephone Service, Internet and Telecom
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1335


Product & Services

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