Best Secondary Schools - British High School Abu Dhabi

Best Secondary Schools - British High School Abu Dhabi
At #ExtraordinaryAmity, we provide our students with access to experiences that will allow them to achieve their future goals.
“We get to take part in a big production... which helps us to increase our confidence and public speaking skills”, Anoushka, Year 7.
For more information on the extraordinary opportunities available at Amity, contact [email protected]

As #ExtraordinaryAmity continues to develop through innovation and expansion of its academic and co-curricular provision, it remains true to its founding values & the importance of individual happiness is core to the school's ethos.⁣

We nurture our students' natural desires to learn with a personalised educational programme, project-based learning and guided enquiry. These promote the development of independent thinking, critical analysis, emotional intelligence and essential communication skills.⁣