StrategyOne: Business Rule and Decision Management System

StrategyOne: Business Rule and Decision Management System
CRIF’s user-friendly decision engine is a business rules management system for automating decisions that leverage data & analytics. StrategyOne, through its decision-making systems, integrates into a single tool the components of design and execution of the essential strategies to manage all decision-making processes in a comprehensive, effective, and timely manner.

Decision Management with StrategyOne
Release your organisation from the inflexibility and high costs of having hard-coded rules dispersed throughout your systems and adopt an enterprise decision management approach and technology that empowers business users to enhance decision making in business management by using a decision engine. CRIF’s credit decision engine puts business people in the driver’s seat to quickly and efficiently implement, test, monitor and change business rules, credit scores, calculations and entire decision processes without coding, resulting in automated and confident decision-making throughout your enterprise.

What is decision engine? It is a complete business rules management system and decision scoring engine that enables your organisation to identify the right targets, boost customer loyalty, increase sales and margins, control risk, and execute business and regulatory policies and procedures. From pre-screening and credit underwriting to on-going credit risk management and marketing efforts and collection strategies, our decision engine spans the customer lifecycle. It helps in various types of decision-making in business, covering all aspects of decision management and business rule management with graphical, user-friendly decision-making technology.
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