Top Career Counsellor in Udaipur

Top Career Counsellor in Udaipur
Discover your path to success with top career counsellors in Udaipur. Get personalized guidance and expert advice for a brighter future. Schedule a consultation today!
Whenever, I go to schools or colleges or institutions to address students my first question to them is what do you want to become after completing your education and to my surprise in 95%+ cases the answer is “Let us see”. My next question to them is “Which profession attracts you most” and their immediate reply is“ an Engineer, a Doctor, a Lawyer and in a few cases an IAS also. On my further inquiry about “What are the qualities required for being successful“in these professions leave them blank with no answers. Further query about number of seats available in quality Institutions for engineers or MBBS in India has no replies or some vague replies.
Primary responsibility for this awareness lies with parents and the institutions to make their children/students aware about the prevailing scenario of the job markets i.e. existing opportunities and competition. But sadly, it is not so. The parents are equally unaware of the competition and the capabilities of their children. Whatever knowledge is available is so poor that we risk the future of our children with poor preparation for most important aspect of life that is “right carrier selection”. Such knowledge can be expected from schools but they hardly care for the same, their only aim is to get more and more students on their roles and make money.

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