Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Career Counselling in Udaipur

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Career Counselling in Udaipur
Career selection is a life time decision and one must navigate carefully. Here, the role of a career counselling in Udaipur comes into picture to know about the careers available and related education paths in the present times.
Today, in India we are 142 Cr. in population, out of which around 68% are in the working age i.e. 15-64 years. The most vulnerable is 15-24 years which is 25 crores. This is the age when we start thinking of choosing a career path and think about the guidance to know the options available so that for the remaining years of your life you not only progress in the right direction but also lead a satisfied and settled life.
The population load of youth and scarcity of jobs have compounded the problems of today’s youth. Advancement of technology has added further woes. Here, the role of a career counsellor comes into picture to know about the careers available and related education paths in the present times.

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