Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) services

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) services
Get Qualified Now Australia provides Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) services, a process of assessing your existing skills and knowledge and granting you a qualification without having to undertake formal training. RPL is the best way to convert your years of experience into a formal qualification without spending years in study.
At Get Qualified Now, we offer RPL qualifications for a range of industries, including healthcare, business, and education. To be eligible for an RPL qualification, you must have the required skills and knowledge and be able to demonstrate this through evidence such as work experience, volunteer work, or informal training.
If you don't have a certificate but have years of experience in a particular industry, contact us today. We will help you with the RPL assessment and process with a professional assessor from your relevant industry so that you can boost your career in Australia.
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