Couple Therapy in San Jose

Couple Therapy in San Jose
Couple therapy, also known as couples counseling or marriage counseling, is a form of therapy that focuses on helping couples improve their relationship and resolve conflicts. It can be helpful for couples who are experiencing difficulties with communication, intimacy, trust, or other issues that are causing strain in their relationship.

During couple therapy sessions, a therapist works with both partners to identify the underlying issues that are causing problems in the relationship. The therapist may use a variety of techniques to help couples improve their communication, develop better coping skills, and learn new ways to interact with each other. Couples may also be given homework assignments to practice new skills outside of therapy sessions.

Trust Mental Health is a clinic in San Jose that provides couple therapy services. Their therapists specialize in working with couples to improve their relationship and help them overcome challenges. Couples who are interested in receiving couple therapy can contact Trust Mental Health to schedule an appointment.
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