Mobile Forensics

Mobile Forensics
Cell phone hackers go to great lengths to make sure their spy software is undetectable on your cell phone. When they covertly install their monitoring spyware, they are able to monitor your calls in real-time along with recording your conversations. If that is not worrisome enough, they also have the ability to listen live to your conversations without you even using your phone. It does not stop there; these technologies cyber spies also know where you are going and where you have been. The photographs and videos on your mobile device are not even safe.

Do you save passwords on your phone, in the notes or on your web browser? Do you access password protected apps and websites via your cell phone, tablet, or iPad? If so, you can bet, if your mobile device has been hacked, the bad guy have all of your information.

The question we hear all of the time is “how do I know if someone is spying on me through my phone? While here is no easy answer to that question, there are some common signs. Outside of doing a mobile device forensic examination to see if your cellular phone has been bugged.
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