General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Address:160 Quarry Park Blvd Suite 300




Business Summary
Urban Piping is the Canadian leader in Poly B replacement, having completed more Poly B replacement jobs in Calgary than any other Poly B plumbing company. Specializing in Poly B plumbing, our expert team ensures a seamless and efficient Poly B replacement process for homeowners. With our extensive experience in Poly B plumbing, we provide in-house services that address all your Poly B replacement needs, making us the go-to choice for Poly B plumbing solutions in Calgary. Our dedication to excellence in Poly B replacement guarantees that every job is done right the first time, providing peace of mind and lasting results for all your Poly B plumbing concerns. Choose Urban Piping for the best Poly B replacement services in Calgary
Business Keywords
Plumber, Plumbing, contractor, repair, piping, calgary
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 88


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