General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 423-299-3478
Country: United States
State/Part: Tennesee
City: Cleveland
Address:3535 Keith Street, NW Suite #3




Business Summary
Grandson of a sharecropper and son of a factory worker and a nurse, Tuck Beard understands East Tennessee, its people, and its values. Tuck is from Polk County, Tennessee, and graduated with a history degree from Tennessee Wesleyan then received his law degree from the University of Tennessee College of Law. Before receiving his law degree, Tuck worked in bars, paper mills, and pest control. Tuck is an avid supporter of Tennessee athletics and loves blues, bluegrass, jazz, and country and western music. Tuck takes great pride in practicing criminal, juvenile, family, and personal injury law, but Tuck takes disability law personally. At a young age, Tuck experienced first-hand how grueling and demanding the disability process can be. Tuck also experienced how impersonal, callous, and cold big-disability firms can be when they represent clients. Tuck believes claimants are people with dignity and should be treated as such.
Business Keywords
Social Security Disability Attorney, Family Law Attorney, Criminal Law Attorney, Personal Injury Law Attorney, Juvenile Attorney, Veterans Disability Attorney
General Information
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not complete
Year established:
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Website Rank
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