General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 9891818024
Address:NH-58, Metro associate building, Delhi Road, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201003




Business Summary
Meet the experts of stem cell therapy and feel the difference. Stem cell treatment In India "Stem Cell Cure Pvt. Ltd."​ is one of the most trusted and highlighted company in India which has expertise in providing best Stem Cell Services (for Blood disorders) in the topmost hospital of India for all major degenerative diseases. Our company is providing advanced medical treatment in India which applies in case of all other medical treatment fail to cure non-treatable diseases. We provide our services through some medical devices such as bone marrow aspiration concentrate (BMAC) kit, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) kit, stem cell banking and stem cells services (isolated from bone marrow, placenta, and adipose) for research/clinical trial purpose only. We are providing Stem Cell Therapy in Delhi, where all other medical treatments fail then this stem cell treatment apply to cure such non-treatable diseases. It is the single channel that has comprehensive stem cell treatment and other medical
Business Keywords
stem cell treatment in india, stem cell treatment in delhi, stem cell therapy, stem cell treatment in india
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