General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 805-293-4234
Country: United States
State/Part: California
Address:121 W Pueblo St Suite 14 Santa Barbara CA 93105 United States




Business Summary
At Sol et Luna in Santa Barbara, experience a haven of holistic healing through our specialized massage therapy sessions. Our expert massage therapists, carefully craft each session to your unique needs, utilizing a blend of relaxation and therapeutic modalities. We believe in nurturing your mind, body, and spirit in a tranquil environment, departing from the "no pain, no gain" philosophy. We understand that each individual reacts differently to the various techniques and pressure levels applied during massage therapy session. Therefore, we pay meticulous attention to your responses and adjust our approach accordingly, allowing for a personalized healing journey that aligns perfectly with your present physical and emotional state.
Business Keywords
Massage Therapist, Massage Therapist in Santa Barbara, Massage School, Massage Training
General Information
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Website Rank
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