Vision of a dual economy with local markets. Eine dualwirtschaftliche Vision mit Lokalmärkten
Social Fiction, Utopia, Dual Economy, Dualwirtschaft, LETS, Tauschring, Tausch, exchange, Libertarian Ideas, Imagination, Future, Zukunft, Perspectives, Futorology, Economy and Ecology, economic model, Wirtschaftsmodell, money, Geld, currency, Währung, theory, Theorie, community, Gemeinschaft, proposal, Vorschlag, system, regional, local, lokal, green, grün, change, sozialer Wandel, reform, minimum income, Mindesteinkommen, market, Markt, literature, Literatur, scenario, Szenario, information, development, Entwicklung, experiment, transformation, alternative structure, Struktur, Hannover photos, small is beautiful