General Information

Country: South Africa (local time:)
Phone: 0116602237
Country: South Africa
State/Part: Gauteng
City: Krugersdorp
Address:97 Level Street, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp 1739




Business Summary
SATLEC was founded in 1985 by Steven Palm, who began his career with Grinnel Communications, part of Grinaker. With years of experience and a passion for the industry, Steven decided to create his own company and build a legacy in communication solutions. With 41 years of expertise in Total Communication Solutions, Steven recognized the importance of providing not just the right products, but also comprehensive service and support to meet each customer’s unique needs. SATLEC offers a wide range of high-quality, cost-effective solutions, from Licence-Free to Licensed Radios, to suit any communication environment. We are proud to have customers who have been with us since 1985, reflecting our commitment to long-term, trust-based relationships. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. Phone: 072 344 6517
Business Keywords
Two-Way Radios, Walkie Talkie, Motorola, Kenwood, Smart PTT, Hytera, SFE, Kirisun, Icom, Communication, Push to Talk, Portable Radios
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 11


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Product & Services

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