General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 6045128480
Address:3215 W 39th Ave vancouver, british columbia, canada




Business Summary
Rob Malec is a reputed B2B sales consultant & revenue generation consultant based in Vancouver Canada. Since 2001 he has helped over 100 companies of all sizes to increase the revenue they generate from their sales and business development efforts. He has addressed over 300 audiences in that time, as well as worked one-on-one with over 450 business owners, Senior Key Account sales people and sales professionals. Rob works closely with growth-minded business owners and leaders to build a scalable revenue generation engine within their business that achieves reliable and predictable year over year revenue growth. He does this through a Rapid Install of systems and process that optimize how they deploy their staff, execute on their sales processes and leverage technology to automate their sale. Sales were flat to declining for the 2 years previous to our work together. CRM adoption by the sales team was extremely low. No proven sales process or methodology existed, and as such, managing t
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