General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:5000 Birch Street, Suite 10000, Newport Beach, California, 92660, USA




Business Summary
The Roberts | Jeandron Law Firm, with offices in Orange County, California, specializes in the representation of individuals that have suffered an injury through no fault of their own. Our personal injury attorneys have successfully secured settlement payments in the millions of dollars for our clients over the past decade. Our firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of car accident victims and getting them fair compensation for their injuries. The Roberts Law Firm handles many other types of personal injury claims, including ( but not limited to) animal attacks, product liability cases, elder abuse, slip and falls, and cases involving corporate negligence. Contact us to schedule your free initial consultation.
Business Keywords
personal injury attorney, attorney car accident, brain injury lawyer, car accident attorney, personal injury attorney newport beach ca, brain and spine injury lawyer, motorcycle accident attorney, car accident injury lawyer
General Information
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