General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 704-714-1450
Address:132 N McDowell St, Charlotte, NC, 28204, US




Business Summary
We're not afraid of a trial. At Rosensteel Fleishman, PLLC, we've earned our reputation as trial-ready courtroom lawyers who will pursue a matter to a favorable resolution in the trial, settlement, or any alternative dispute resolution setting. Our car accident lawyers in Charlotte, NC are committed to achieving positive results for our clients with their interests at heart. We make sure that our highly experienced team is always in communication with clients and keeps them informed about their case progress. The use of cutting-edge technology allows for a more cost-effective allocation of resources and provides clients with fair results. Our commitment to client service and efficient, effective legal representation is why Rosensteel Fleishman, PLLC continues to be one of the top firms in Charlotte and throughout North Carolina.
Business Keywords
Charlotte personal injury lawyer, Charlotte car accident lawyer, Charlotte personal injury attorney, Charlotte car accident attorney, Charlotte accident lawyer
General Information
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