General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Address:Plot No. 39 - Shivaay Industrial Park, Ahmedabad to Indore Highway, Kuha, Ahmedabad - 382433 (Guj.) India




Business Summary
We specialize in the design and manufacturing of a wide array of scientific instruments, including Vertical Autoclave, Bacteriological Incubator, Bio Safety Cabinet, BOD Incubator, COD Digestion, Digital Colony Counter, Digital Water Bath, Flocculator, High Temp Muffle Furnace, Hot Air Oven, and more, all crafted to meet the rigorous standards of accuracy and reliability demanded by researchers and professionals alike. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is equipped with advanced technology and operated by a team of skilled engineers and technicians, ensuring that each product not only meets but exceeds customer expectations. As a trusted partner in the scientific community, we are committed to advancing research and development through our innovative products and unwavering dedication to quality.
Business Keywords
scientific instruments, Vertical Autoclave, Bacteriological Incubator
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
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