General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:10607 S Western St Amarillo, TX 79118




Business Summary
Proven K9 Training’s advanced knowledge of obedience and the vast amount of ways to gain obedience has led us to be an industry leader on many levels. The ability to train with the Proven K9 Training Team is a true experience no one should miss out on. Contact us today for your chance to grow with your dog! Proven K9 Training specializes in training and helping pet dog families better understand their dogs through obedience. At Proven K9 Training, we hope to help every dog and the families better understand each other and what each requires. With patience and experience, the Proven K9 Training crew has greatly impacted many families by building confidence in both the handler and the dog.
Business Keywords
dog training amarillo tx, puppy training amarillo tx, dog obedience training amarillo tx, group dog training classes amarillo tx
General Information
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