General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 0452 262 880
Address:17 Berghofer Court Charnwood




Business Summary
With over 18 years of experience, and based in Canberra, Prime Cars Removal is one of the most vetted names in the industry, offering quick and hassle-free removal service of old, unused, scrap cars for some handsome, on-spot cash. We are one of the most professional and transparent in terms of approach and we always live up to our promise when it comes to paying for your old vehicle right on spot, regardless of its make and model, type, and condition. Besides, we also offer a FREE towing service and an eco-friendly recycling process. The services we offer: The services we offer include: Cash for accident cars Car removal Cash for unwanted car Cash for 4WD cars Cash for Trucks Car Parts Cash for old cars and other cars What is the USP of our service? Prompt, if possible same day car removal service Precise calculation of the price that you deserve for your car with the help of software tools, depending on the age of your car, make and model and condition Right on spot pa
Business Keywords
Car Removal Service Canberra
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 38


Product & Services

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