General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:2675 Paces Ferry Road SE, Suite 315 Atlanta, GA 30339




Business Summary
Potter Law offers a unique blend of big-firm expertise with the personalized service and affordability of a boutique practice. We work closely with individuals, families, and businesses to provide proactive legal solutions, helping you anticipate and address potential challenges. Our approach is customized to each client’s unique needs, ensuring peace of mind with a legal partner you can trust. We pride ourselves on responsiveness and flexibility, accommodating clients even outside typical business hours. By leveraging technology and a mobile practice, Potter Law delivers high-quality legal counsel at a lower cost, ensuring you receive the support you need, when you need it.
Business Keywords
Atlanta business law attorney,Atlanta sports and NIL lawyer,NIL legal services Atlanta,Entertainment lawyer Atlanta,Atlanta personal injury attorney,Atlanta entertainment law services,Sports contract negotiation Atlanta,Business legal counsel Atlanta,Atlanta NIL representation,Personal injury law firm Atlanta
General Information
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