General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 7245775717
Address:765 S Irvine Ave, Sharon, PA, 16146




Business Summary
In Sharon, Pennsylvania, Penn Ohio Roofing & Siding Group LLC is synonymous with superior roofing services. Our expertise in roofing installation near me ensures that residents receive top-tier service whether they require a new installation or are looking to give their current roof some much-needed attention. Specializing in new roofs and roof repair, we bring years of experience to each project we undertake. Our skilled team excels at working with various materials including asphalt shingle roofs and tile roofs—each known for offering both protection and curb appeal. At Penn Ohio Roofing & Siding Group LLC, we believe in delivering not just a service but an enduring solution designed to enhance your home’s safety and appearance. Trust us to be the guardians of your comfort; we promise to keep you covered - literally - through every season with steadfast dedication and unparalleled craftsmanship.
Business Keywords
roofers,roofer near me
General Information
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