General Information

Country: Ireland (local time:)
Phone: 087 488 8129
Address:Ballybane, Galway




Business Summary
PC Roofing and Guttering Galway We Provide Expert Roofing and Guttering Services, Roof Repairs, Flat Roofing, PVC Work And More To Clients In County Galway And Beyond. New & Replacement Roofs We can install a new roof or replace your old roof that is no longer safe. We can replace old roofing timbers and install a new membrane, while reusing your old slates or tiles, or go with a brand new roof. We work with all types of flat roofing systems as well, torch-on felt roofing, GRP fibreglass roofs and EPDM rubber roofing. Roof Repairs Roof repairs are our strong point. No matter what the issue may be, we provide expert assistance when it comes to the repair and maintenance of your roof. No matter how big or small the repair required may be, we pride ourselves on our speed and efficiency in providing our roof repair services. PVC Gutters, Soffits & Fascia If you need help with your gutters, downpipes, soffits or fascia in Galway then get in touch with PC Roofing & Guttering. Your gutters
Business Keywords
PC Roofing and Guttering Galway
General Information
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