Patient Centered Psych (PCP) is a clinical, health & behavioral psychology practice that provides specialized mental health treatment, including psychotherapy, capacity evaluations, & neuropsych assessments to individuals affected by medical conditions & physical disease. PCP is a woman owned business, founded & operated by clinical psychologist Tiffany Tuttle Psy D, who has over 20 years of experience in healthcare.
Our clinic aims to make quality mental health services accessible to individuals with various degrees of independence, including those who are mild to severely disabled. PCP recognizes diversity, operates through a lens of cultural humility, highlights inclusivity, & amplifies voices for historically marginalized individuals.
Behavioral Care, Behavioral Care Solutions, Psychologist for nursing home, Psychologist for long term care, Behavioral Care Solutions long term care, Nursing Home Psychologist Southeastern Michigan, Nursing Home Psychologist Oakland County, Nursing Home Psychologist Wayne County, Health and Behavioral Psychology, Capacity Assessments, sychologist for Dementia, Psychologist for Disabled,
Psychologist TBI, Patient Centered Psych, Tiffany Tuttle Psychologist, Evidence Based Practices, Diversity, Inclusion, Cultural Humility