General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 1134360473
Address:1200b Century Way, Thorpe Park, The Electrical Safety Testing Suite Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS15 8ZA




Business Summary
PAT Testing Company specialises in providing comprehensive Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) services to ensure electrical safety compliance across various sectors. Our certified technicians perform rigorous inspections, testing, and labelling of electrical appliances to meet regulatory standards, safeguarding your workplace. Utilising state-of-the-art testing equipment, we offer thorough visual inspections and electrical tests, ensuring all portable appliances are safe for use. Our services cater to offices, schools, industrial facilities, and rental properties, helping clients adhere to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines. Trust PAT Testing Company for reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to maintain your electrical safety compliance.
Business Keywords
Portable Appliance Testing, Electrical Safety Testing, Compliance Testing.
General Information
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