General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 9461005884
Address:Plot No. 239, Jawahar Nagar, Near Gokulbari Vinayak School, Pali, Rajasthan




Business Summary
Pali Mills, based in Jaipur, Rajasthan, is a leading online fabric store delivering the finest and most diverse fabrics across India. We understand the challenges faced by customers, designers, and shop owners when it comes to finding the perfect fabric. Whether you're looking for cotton, polyester, silk, or more specialized textiles like Terry Rubia and Poplin, Pali Mills offers a wide variety to meet your needs. We believe fashion is freedom, and everyone deserves access to high-quality fabrics. As a top manufacturer and supplier of fabrics such as 2 by 2 Terry Rubia, saree fall, and cotton petticoat materials, we ensure that your creations reflect your unique style. With Pali Mills, you can count on superior quality and an expansive selection, making your fabric shopping experience both convenient and rewarding.
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