General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 07 3638 5000
Country: Australia
Address:382 Krugers Rd, Spring Creek QLD 4343, Australia




Business Summary
Oz Pebbles, located in South East Queensland, is a premium landscaping supplier, wholesaler & distributor of bulk decorative tumbled, crushed and natural pebble, soil, sand and mulch. The Oz Pebbles business first commenced in 1993 on the Sunshine Coast where pebbles were used in concrete for exposed aggregate driveways and paths. Our range soon expanded as other contractors sought out our pebble supplies for their projects. Through hard work and a passion for pebble the business expanded our range once again to supply landscape yards and as such outgrew the premises on the Sunshine Coast, prompting a move to just outside Gatton at Spring Creek in the Lockyer Valley Region, Queensland. Our yard in Gatton is approximately 25 acres and offers a large variety of landscaping pebbles for our customers along with the ability to provide our products and transport services locally and interstate, or you may prefer to collect directly from the yard. Oz Pebbles also operates a second yard in Kil
Business Keywords
Tumbled Pebbles, Decorative Tumbled Pebble, Natural Pebble, Sand, Gravel, Soil, Mulch, Crushed Pebbles, and Exposed Aggregates
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 153


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Product & Services

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