General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 646-736-4184
Address:1325 6th Ave 28th floor, New York, NY 10019




Business Summary
Omni Injury and Accident Law, P.C we are a personal injury law firm with over ten years of experience.. We serve clients in New York and Jersey and believe in compensation with compassion, helping accident victims secure fair compensation while providing unwavering emotional support. We are committed to social justice and making a positive impact on our clients' lives. At Omni Injury and Accident Law, P.C., we're recognized as leaders in personal injury law. Founded on principles of fairness, respect, and compassion, we've successfully represented countless injury victims. We're dedicated to ensuring justice is accessible for everyone, offering personalized service, direct lawyer accessibility, and unwavering support. With a track record of success and a commitment to our clients, we're your trusted partner in navigating the challenges of personal injury claims.
Business Keywords
Personal Injury Attorney, Best Personal Injury Attorney, Personal Injury Attorney Near Me, Personal Injury Lawyer, Car Accident Attorney, Injury Lawyer, Experienced Personal Injury Attorney, Accident Attorney, Medical Malpractice Attorney, Medical Malpractice Lawyer, Medical Malpractice Attorney Near Me, Slip And Fall Attorney, Car Accident Attorney, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Dog Bite Attorney, Bicycle Accidents, Workers' Compensation Attorney, Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney, Motorcycle Accidents, Wrongful Death Premises, Liability Attorney, Product Liability Lawyer, Workers' Comp Attorney, Free Consultation Personal Injury Attorney, Taxi Accidents, Uber Accidents, Lyft Accidents, Uber Accidents Lawyer, Lyft Accident Lawyer, Uber Accident Attorney, Lyft Accident Attorney, Taxi Accident Lawyer, Taxi Accident Attorney Manhattan, NYC, NY.
General Information
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