
Protecting teeth from cavities is an important part oral hygiene, and in many cases, good oral hygiene at home isn’t enough. While regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are strongly encouraged by the American Dental Association, there are still places that these methods can’t clear of bacteria. Bacteria tend to collect in two main places: around the roots of teeth, and in the crevices atop them. The crevices on top of teeth are often completely normal, and they are used to grind food into more manageable sizes. The rough valleys in molars especially are havens for bacteria. Because of how these valleys form in order to grind food, there are a lot of places where bacteria can gather that a toothbrush cannot go. In order to combat this, teeth may need to be sealed. Sealing Teeth Sealants are most commonly used on the molars, which have a very rough surface. They can, however, be used on other teeth that have an abnormal valley or a change in shape somewhere. The sealant is a harmless c
Pediatric Dental Sealants and Fillings Houston
Finding The Best Family Dentist in Houston Where do you go to find the best family dental care in Houston? There are dozens of dentists in each area, but many of them only specialize in a single category of dentistry. General dentistry is the overarching "jack of all trades" category that focuses on preventing diseases and taking care of teeth. This category gives you and your family the widest range of care. And when it comes to you and your family, dentists may only be able to take care of one age group, be it adults or children. That's another category that can affect your decision to choose a dentist. Choosing a Houston Dentist that Cares for Everyone So what's the best thing to do when looking for a dentist? Find one that can help every member of your family. A family dentist will be able to take care of both adults and children without the need to visit two separate dentists and offices. This convenience is especially helpful for parents with busy work schedules that prev

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