General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 203-269-1739
Address:15 S Elm St, Wallingford, CT, USA 06492




Business Summary
Mr Computer, LLC is a Wallingford-based IT support company specializing in network maintenance and data protection for small and medium businesses. They offer reduced rates, utilizing top-tier tools typically used by larger companies. The company's mission is to proactively monitor and protect small to medium size businesses (1- 50 computers) Managed IT services is a blending of multiple software programs that run in the background on client computers. IT providers select and deploy their own "tool stack" That tool stack is then bundled into a comprehensive plan defined as Managed IT Services. By leveraging their low operating expenses and smaller footprint Mr Computer delivers the same top-tier tool stack for less.
Business Keywords
Computer Repair Wallingford, Data Backup & Recovery Wallingford, IT Support Wallingford, Patch Management Wallingford, Real Time Reporting Wallingford, Remote Support Wallingford
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 11


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Product & Services

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