General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 805-969-3984
Country: United States
Address:1187 Coast Village Rd #160, Santa Barbara, CA 93108




Business Summary
For over 50 years, Chris and Lisa Cullen, owners of Montecito Landscape have been creating beautiful gardens in Santa Barbara, Montecito, Malibu and beyondWe admit we are a bit old-fashioned, we don't hire salespeople, or designers and when you call for a FREE Home Garden Consultation (805-969-3984) you get us, the owners. We are not “trending” on social media, we like talking to people face to face. Is that an outdated way of doing business? Possibly, but we are NOT trying to compete with the Big Boys or trying to get a TV show. We do it this way because, for us, nothing is more fun than visiting people's gardens, getting to know them, and envisioning how to take their landscape from ordinary to extraordinary. Life is about the journey, and for us, this is our journey. The earth is our canvas and landscape design is our passion. It may sound corny, but we help people. When we create a more beautiful, more usable landscape and outdoor living environment for our clients we are enhancing
Business Keywords
Landscape designer
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 191


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