General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:16 E 41st St Unit 5C, New York, NY 10017




Business Summary
Discover a supportive path to mental wellness at Modern Therapy Group. Our expert therapists specialize in a range of areas including anxiety, depression, trauma, substance and sex addiction, LGBTQIA issues, and more. We are dedicated to providing personalized care in a non-judgmental environment, understanding that each individual's journey is unique. At Modern Therapy, we commit ourselves to your healing and growth, offering a space where you can explore, heal, and thrive with the support of our professional and compassionate team. Whether you are seeking individual or group therapy, marriage counseling, CBT, DBT, or other forms of psychotherapy, our NYC therapy group is here to help you take the first step toward a more fulfilling life.
Business Keywords
find a therapist NYC, find therapist NYC, find a therapist New York, how to find a therapist in NYC, how to find a therapist NYC
General Information
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