General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 0894674451
Address:1 William Street, Perth, WA, 6000




Business Summary
Main River Holdings is an independent investment firm specializing in wealth management, fixed income, and alternative investments. They offer tailored financial solutions designed to help clients achieve long-term financial stability. With over 100 years of combined experience, the firm focuses on diversification, active management, and capital preservation. Their services include managing stock market investments, retirement plans, fixed-rate bonds, and strategic partnerships. Main River Holdings is committed to delivering exceptional client service and leveraging global opportunities to maximize returns.
Business Keywords
Wealth Management, Investment Firm, Fixed Income Investments, Alternative Investments, Financial Solutions, Capital Preservation, Diversification Strategies, Active Investment Management, Retirement Planning,Stock Market Investments,Fixed-Rate Bonds, Strategic Financial Partnerships, Long-Term Financial Stability, 1Global Investment Opportunities, Tailored Financial Services
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
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