General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 08750750629
Address:New York City, NY, 10007




Business Summary
MailsDaddy Software Pvt. Ltd.- A global pioneer in database recovery and exchange migration, has a set of innovative and acclaimed solutions to make things easier in a variety of ways. MailsDaddy is located in New Delhi which is also the capital of India. Maintaining the brand position with global clients. MailsDaddy has expanded its offices in a very short span of time from a single location to the European region with 24*7-lifetime free technical support. Till now we have more than 5 million customers in the world. The movement of email is happening very fast, so there are bound to be different types of email communication. If you are also connected to any email service and want to migrate the data, then connect with the MailsDaddy software. We provide various types of email conversion, backup, and migration solutions that will surely give you successful results.
Business Keywords
email migration data recovery cloud backup
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 119


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