

Ann Long
This blog will help you to make your dreadlocks more healthy and beautiful. You will know how to detox your dreads by ACV method step by step. What is dreads detox? Dreads detox is a way to deep cleanse your dreadlocks. By helping you get rid of build-up from products, sebum, dirt, odors, etc; Detoxing your locs can keep them healthy and clean. And why should we detox your dreads? Compare to other hairstyles, the dreadlock hairstyle needs less effort to maintain. Over time, your dreads may have a magnificent look, but what if dreads don’t feel healthy anymore? Like they smell like mildew when wet? or too much bulid up remains on your locks… When you sense the odds, Please consider giving your dreadlocks an AVC deep cleaning detox tour. By detoxing your dreadlocks, you can gain your healthy locks back again. Apple Cider Vinegar for dreads detox What is ACV detoxing method? And why it’s so popular? ACV is an Apple cider vinegar rinse where you use baking soda, lemon juice, and Apple c

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