General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 1300 070 333
Address:Coburg, VIC,




Business Summary
Leading NDIS Registered Provider to Make Your Life Easier Life Care Solutions is your trusted partner in NDIS disability support services in Melbourne. As one of the top NDIS registered providers, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, personalised care tailored to each individual's unique needs. Our skilled and caring team aims to help people with disabilities live comfortably and independently. We offer a variety of services, including household duties, personal activities, community time, skill development, and healthcare/transport assistance. We are committed to ensuring that our clients achieve their goals by providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment. Choosing us means partnering with a team that has undergone rigorous checks and screenings to ensure the highest standards of care. Our affordable and comprehensive service plans are designed to meet the needs of NDIS participants, helping them navigate life's challenges and opportunities with confidence. So w
Business Keywords
community participation disability ndis daily activities ndis group activities melbourne assistance with self care activities ndis disability support service providers
General Information
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