General Information

Country: Spain (local time:)
Phone: 616564846
Address:Av. Santa Amalia, 18, 29640 Fuengirola




Business Summary
LCD Portables is one of the main companies in the distribution of this type of spare parts. We have a wide range of spare parts for laptops, such as chargers, batteries, keyboards, screens, fans, casings, hinges, Jack connectors, among others, for brands such as Apple, Samsung, Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard, DELL, Acer, Sony, ASUS, which are part of our extensive catalog of spare parts for laptops. We offer competitive prices and most importantly, we always guarantee the best quality and price. There are practically no spare parts for laptops that you cannot find in our online store, always guaranteeing the satisfaction of a successful purchase. In addition, we are official distributors of the renowned Voltistar brand of laptop batteries and chargers. If you cannot find a specific product, you can make a search request for laptop spare parts through our contact forms, service via WhatsApp, telephone or email. With our extensive experience in the sector, we guarantee you the best service and
Business Keywords
Computer Repair, Laptop Repair, Mobile Repair
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 54


Product & Services

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