General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 702-768-8940
Address:1780 Horizon Ridge Pkwy. Ste 100




Business Summary
Lauren Paris has been in the real estate business since 2005. She has lived in Henderson since 2000 has strong market knowledge and is a fierce negotiator for her buyers and sellers. Lauren takes her love for people and develops trusting relationships with her clients, resulting in many repeat businesses. Her down-to-earth style and humor help to reduce the stress inherent with buying or selling and her commitment to her clients is evident in the level of service they receive. Lauren is dedicated to serving your individual needs and will work tirelessly for you to achieve the best possible results. Lauren Paris has them all if you are looking for Knowledge, Experience, Professionalism, Integrity, and Personal Service as a real estate agent. Let’s turn your real estate dreams into reality, & enjoy the journey together!
Business Keywords
Best Realtor Las Vegas Millennials Buying Homes Nevada Houses for Sale Lake Las Vegas Buyers Agent Nevada Las Vegas Raiders Games Golf Courses Las Vegas Livv Homes Las Vegas
General Information
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Website Rank
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