General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:893 Industrial Drive Elmhurst (Chicago),IL 60126




Business Summary
Latini Hohberger Dhimantec is the leading global manufacturer and supplier to the confectionery industry. With four manufacturing plants, NPD development and a dedicated R&D Unit along with a robust engineering department, Latini USA has been successfully supplying candy and chocolate wrapping machinery for over 95 years. As an industry leader, Latini USA has a strong commitment to producing the highest quality machines. Following the quality of our service and technical support, we have gained the trust of our thousands of clients and feel proud to be a part of so many company’s and product’s success. We are considered as the world’s top manufacturer of Flat Lollipop Machines and Candy Forming Machines, as far as the number of installations is concerned. Our facility based in Chicago, IL, is equipped with the latest equipment to ensure premium quality and service. In order to meet the current industry demand, we have a dedicated engineering department addressing the market's needs thr
Business Keywords
Candy Manufacturing Equipment
General Information
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Website Rank
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