General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 816-292-2000
Address:2345 Grand Blvd Ste 2200, Kansas City, MO 64108




Business Summary
Lathrop GPM was formed in 2020 through the combination of two 100+-year firms, both with strong Midwestern cores – Lathrop Gage (established in Kansas City in 1873) and Gray Plant Mooty (established in Minneapolis in 1866). Our nearly 325 attorneys practice in 12 offices nationwide, located from coast to coast – allowing us to quickly respond to clients’ needs at the local, state or national levels. Clients are at the heart of everything we do. At Lathrop GPM, we help businesses, organizations, and individuals grow and succeed. Our work helps them seize opportunities, solve problems and dominate market spaces. With deep industry experience in health care and life sciences, franchise and distribution, agribusiness, manufacturing, and higher education, our commitment is to long-term relationships, not just transactions. We want to lead the future of your legal services, together.
Business Keywords
Kansas City Law firm
General Information
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Website Rank
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