General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 972-434-1555
Address:335 W Main St, Lewisville, TX 75057, USA




Business Summary
The Kuzmich Law Firm, P.C. in Lewisville has provided quality legal services to Texas clients for over 25 years. Steve Kuzmich is a Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer by the Texas Board of Legal Specializations. Our firm specializes in personal injury claims, such as car accidents, wrongful deaths, premises liabilities, catastrophic injuries, and more. Our attorneys have obtained significant recoveries for our injury clients, and we are proud of our tradition of integrity and technical expertise. At The Kuzmich Law Firm, P.C., you can rest assured that you are working with skilled attorneys who will ensure that your rights are protected. Let us assist you with your injury claim today by scheduling a free consultation.
Business Keywords
Personal injury lawyer, Car acccident lawyer, Wrongful death lawyer, Motorcycle accident lawyer
General Information
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